
Tips for Choosing Coloured Tiles vs. Black and White

From dazzling and glossy greens and blues to timeless greys and whites, tiles come in an assortment of colours and shades, each with their own design capabilities. Knowing which colour palette to use between the wide range of tile colours requires careful consideration, as the tiles you select can impact your room’s mood, perceived size, and so on.

To help you on this chapter of creating an extraordinary colour story, here are some tips for choosing tiles based on colour and shade.

Consider the room itself

Something you’ll want to think about and build towards when selecting tile colours is cohesion. This can pertain to the overall aesthetic and existing colours/design already existing in the room and doing your best to tie everything together with your tile colours. Such variables you need to think about for cohesion include:

-The colour of the walls
-The type of furniture in the room (colours, materials, finishes, etc.)
-The room size
-The lighting in the room (natural light or artificial)

If your furniture mostly consists of browns and greens, with wooden accents and several plants, you may consider choosing lighter coloured tiles in beige or grey to accent the already existing earth tones (which are a big trend in 2022). Something akin to our Versa 75 Caramel Click Vinyls could pair excellently with an earth tone vibe.

Perhaps you have a room that you want to appear bigger. The best choice would be a cream or pastel floor tile to accentuate the dimensions of the room and make it appear larger.

(You can learn more about tiles and room sizes by reading our blog post on the topic.)

Larger rooms, like dining areas or kitchens, are paired well with darker floor tiles — especially if there’s plenty of natural light. Our Nohva Black Porcelain Tile works particularly well for enhancing more open areas, and the sleek matte black finish can be used to highlight any colour story you choose.

Featured: Nohva Black 12X24 Porcelain Tile

The overall goal when choosing a colour story for a room is ensuring that you’re creating harmony between colours. This of course does not mean you have to stick to a monochromatic look, you simply want to consider how each aspect of your room ties into one another.

Colours can impact your mood

It’s been proven time and again that colour has a substantial impact on people’s moods and appearances. There are plenty of tips and tricks regarding on how wearing certain colours can help you become more approachable, or how different coloured cars have different significances and meanings.

The same can be applied to tiles. Because of our automatic associations of colours to feelings, environments, or moods, tiles can play a major part in how a room feels.

For instance, say you want your office area to feel calm and tranquil, or you want to make your kitchen feel less hectic with a nice backsplash. The best colour option would be a light blue, as blue has associations with serene waves or the stillness of the sky. The Dolce Sky (05) tiles would serve as a subdued feature to help you feel more restful in any busy environment.

Featured: Dolce Sky 2×8 Matte Ceramic Wall Tile

White tiles can evoke thoughts of cleanliness, perfection, and peace, as these are all things associated with white. This would do well in a bathroom or kitchen, especially if you’re wanting to portray a streamlined, polished look to your guests. In this instance, the La Marca Statuarietto tiles would best suit your refined taste.

Maximizing and minimizing: how to make either work

Depending on your own design preferences, you’re either going to gravitate towards maximizing your colours or minimizing them. Although there isn’t a right or wrong in these choices, it’s important to consider how to elevate these concepts with your tile choices.

Much in the same way you choose tile patterns, creating a blended look requires that you don’t overstimulate your guests. This is not to say you can’t use colour — rather, it’s about making smart choices on where you place them and how you incorporate colours together.

Let’s say you want to spice up a duller room that primarily consists of whites and greys. You can add a pop of colour to this area by adding an accent wall to draw the eye. Or, if you’re very big on colours and want to feature more of them, simply choose colours that are complimentary or have the same tones (cool, warm, etc.).

If you’re looking for coloured tiles that work well as an accent, our Lume Series (award winning, by the way) features an assortment of rich colours, such as the Lume Green in an enchanting gloss finish, or the soothing Lume Blue.

Some areas of your house may feel overstimulating with too much colour, especially in smaller, tighter spaces. In this instance, sticking to a monochrome scheme consisting or blacks, whites, and greys would help make your room feel less overwhelming and more organized.

A great tile for lightening up and pulling together a monochromatic space is the Paint Stone White Porcelain Tiles.

Featured: Paint Stone White 12X24 Porcelain Tile

(These tiles, and all of our other Italian tiles, are also a part of our incredible Italian Days event which continues throughout July. Learn more about this fun event.) For more assistance in visualizing a space, check out Tile Town’s remarkable Visualizer Tool, or visit a Tile Town near you!

Handle with Square

Not sure what to do with your square tiles? Jolena from our Edmonton South showroom/store creates 3 simple tile patterns here to inspire you (watch her in action here):

  1. Stacked
    Creates a “grid-like” pattern, this pattern is traditional but can appear very contemporary via the use of a contrasting (darker) grout to outline each tile.
    Stacked Pattern tiles at Tile Town

  2. 50/50 Offset
    Softens the “lines” of each tile so your eyes flow over the tiled space; this pattern combined with the ripple in the face of each Artisan White 5×5 tile refracting the light to create a more subtle and softer pattern.
    Offset pattern tile at Tile Town

  3. Diagonal Installation
    Great for unifying varying heights, as your eyes will move along the diagonal lines (e.g.: Kitchens with both open shelving & upper cabinets and tile behind the range hood).  This pattern takes a bit more planning and cutting than the first two, but can create a stunning backsplash!
    Offset pattern tile at Tile Town

Chat with Jolena or one of our design experts about your tile project. We’re here to help you find the best solutions for your tile and tiling needs.

Pictured: Artisan Italian White Glossy 5×5, Point Grey Vinyl Flooring in Highbury & Jericho

Five Ways to Clean Your Tiles Naturally: An Eco-Friendly Guide

Keeping your tiles clean can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be harmful to the environment. Here are some effective and eco-friendly methods to maintain sparkling tiles using natural ingredients.

  1. Baking Soda & White Vinegar
    Sprinkle baking soda over the tiles, then spray with a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes, then scrub with a brush and rinse with water. This combo cuts through grime and disinfects without harsh chemicals.
  2. Lemon Juice
    Mix equal parts lemon juice and water in a spray bottle. Spray on the tiles, let it sit for 5-10 minutes, then scrub and rinse. Lemon juice is a natural disinfectant and leaves a fresh scent.
  3. Hydrogen Peroxide & Baking Soda
    Make a paste with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Apply to the tiles, scrub with a brush, and rinse with water. This method effectively removes stains and has bleaching properties without toxic fumes.
  4. Castile Soap & Essential Oils
    Mix a few tablespoons of castile soap with a gallon of warm water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (e.g. tea tree or lavender). Mop the tiles with this solution. Castile soap is biodegradable and gentle, while essential oils add antibacterial properties and a pleasant aroma.
  5. Steam Cleaning
    Use a steam cleaner to clean the tiles. The high temperature of the steam kills bacteria and loosens dirt. No need for any chemicals—just water, making it the most eco-friendly option.

Despite being gentle and eco-friendly, these methods are highly effective in keeping your tiles clean and fresh. Embrace these natural cleaning methods to maintain sparkling tiles while being kind to the planet.

3 Reasons Why You Should Choose Travertine Porcelain Tiles

Ready to elevate your space with timeless elegance? Here’s why travertine porcelain tiles are the savvy choice:

  1. Versatility:
    Whether your style leans toward rustic charm or contemporary flair, travertine porcelain effortlessly fits in. Its neutral tones blend seamlessly into any room, offering a wide range of options to suit your aesthetic.
  2. Practicality:
    Unlike natural travertine, which demands regular maintenance, porcelain tiles requires minimal upkeep. With superior resistance to water, stains, and scratches, it’s a no-brainer for high-traffic areas and moisture-prone spaces like bathrooms and kitchens. Plus, cleaning is a breeze – no need for fancy products here.
  3. Aesthetics:
    Thanks to cutting-edge printing technology, travertine porcelain perfectly mirrors authentic stone’s beauty with precision. Say goodbye to worries about wear and tear – these tiles marry luxurious looks with long-lasting performance.

Ready to transform your space? Discover our newest collection, Navona Soft.

Tile Town 2023 Wrapped

We give you the top 5 bestselling tiles of 2023! No surprise it’s all white tiles, as white is the most
timeless neutral – immune to trends or changes in personal taste… speaking of taste, which one is your

“I’ll have white he’s having…”

5th place – Venezia White 8×24 Rippled Ceramic

4th place – Lumiere White 4×12 Gloss Ceramic

3rd place – Cascade Rainfall White 12×24

2nd place – Cascade Wavy White 12×23 Gloss Ceramic

And finally, the BEST SELLING TILE OF 2023 is … Artisan White Glossy 2.5×8

Learn the Perks of Porcelain Tile to Ground You

Porcelain tile has been gaining popularity for its exceptional benefits, making it a top choice for homeowners and designers alike. Let’s explore the advantages of using porcelain on your floor.
(READ to bottom for a surprise tip! #IYKYK) 

  • Unmatched Durability: the perfect choice for high-traffic areas in your home. Porcelain is incredibly strong and resistant to wear and tear, making it less likely to chip or crack compared to other flooring materials. This ensures that your floors remain looking pristine for years to come. 
  • Water and Stain Resistance: naturally non-porous (repels moisture) making it an excellent option for areas prone to spills or high humidity (bathrooms and kitchens) This resistance to water and stains also makes porcelain easier to clean and maintain.
  • Diverse Design Options: you’ll always find a porcelain tile that matches your style, whether you prefer the look of hardwood, stone, or modern, minimalist design. The technology used in the manufacturing process allows for realistic patterns and textures, mimicking natural materials without the associated upkeep.
  • Easy Maintenance: porcelain is one of the easiest flooring materials to maintain. Regular sweeping and occasional mopping are typically all that’s needed to keep your floors looking pristine. Its resistance to stains and allergens makes it a healthy choice for those with allergies or respiratory issues. 
  • Longevity and Cost-Effective: while the initial cost of porcelain tile might be slightly higher than some other flooring materials, it’s a much more cost-effective choice in the long run. Its longevity and resistance to damage mean you won’t have to replace it as often, saving you money on repairs and replacements. 

“Hi, I’m looking for ceramic tiles for my floor.”. . .  #IYKYK

Here’s what you were waiting for! Most new homeowners come into our showrooms asking for ceramic flooring…. it’s not your fault! It’s not everyday knowledge that when it comes to long-lasting, low-maintenance, and attractive flooring solutions for your home – porcelain is (almost always) better than ceramic. Why?

  • ceramic tiles are less dense and more porous than porcelain, making them prone to absorbing moisture. This is especially problematic in areas with high traffic or exposure to water (hello bathrooms and kitchens, where tiled floors are usually found!)
  • more likely to chip or crack under the stress of daily use. 

For these reasons, porcelain tile is the preferred choice for flooring. Hands down.

Schluter – Kerdi Niches

Schluter Kerdi Niches are innovative and versatile components that can significantly elevate your shower installation. These prefabricated waterproof niches are designed to be seamlessly integrated into your shower walls, providing several key benefits that enhance both the aesthetics and functionality of your bathroom.

Schluter Kerdi Niches offer superior waterproofing capabilities. These niches are constructed using the Kerdi waterproofing membrane, which is renowned for its reliability in preventing water intrusion. By incorporating these niches into your shower design, you can ensure that the surrounding walls remain completely protected from moisture, preventing issues like mold and mildew growth. This not only enhances the longevity of your shower installation but also contributess to a healthier and more hygienic bathroom environment.

Schluter Kerdi Niches contribute to a sleek and modern appearance in your shower space. These niches are available in various sizes and configurations, allowing you to customize your design according to your preferences. The flush-mount installation of the niches creates a seamless, clean look that eliminates unsightly protrusions, such as shower caddies or soap dishes. This aesthetic improvement can transform your shower into a more sophisticated and organized space, enhancing the overall ambiance of your bathroom.

Lastly, Schluter Kerdi Niches are designed for ease of installation. These prefabricated niches come with detailed instructions and are straightforward to incorporate into your shower project, whether you’re a professional installer or a DIY enthusiast. Their compatibility with other Schluter products, such as shower trays and waterproofing accessories, streamlines the construction process, ensuring a cohesive and reliable installation. By using Schluter Kerdi Niches, you can save time and effort while achieving a high-quality shower that not only looks great but also performs exceptionally well in terms of waterproofing.

Fall Trends

In the ever-evolving world of interior design, fall tile trends for this year are taking an exciting turn, blending timeless elements with contemporary twists. Natural and organic aesthetics are gaining prominence, as homeowners seek to bring the warmth of the outdoors into their living spaces. Earthy tones like deep browns, forest greens, and warm terracotta’s are being incorporated into tile designs, reminiscent of the changing foliage during autumn. These colors not only evoke a sense of comfort but also align with sustainable and eco-friendly design practices that are becoming increasingly important.

Texture is another focal point in this year’s fall tile trends. From three-dimensional patterns to tactile finishes, designers are exploring ways to engage the senses through touch. Tiles that mimic natural materials such as wood, stone, and even fabric are in high demand, offering a sensory experience that adds depth and character to interiors. Whether it’s a cozy fireplace hearth adorned with textured tiles or a bathroom wall reminiscent of weathered stone, this trend adds an element of authenticity and intrigue to various living spaces.

In terms of shapes and formats, fall tile trends are departing from conventional norms. Geometric tiles, including hexagons, arabesques, and scalloped edges, are gaining popularity as statement pieces. These shapes provide a modern twist to traditional designs and are often used to create captivating feature walls or backsplashes. Additionally, large-format tiles continue to be a staple, offering seamless surfaces that make rooms appear more spacious and open. This trend extends to outdoor spaces as well, with oversized tiles transforming patios and pool areas into luxurious retreats.

In conclusion, this year’s fall tile trends reflect a desire for harmonious connections between the natural world and interior spaces. Through warm, earthy colors, textured surfaces, unconventional shapes, and metallic accents, designers are creating environments that celebrate both tradition and innovation. These trends not only evoke the essence of fall but also invite homeowners to embark on a journey of sensory exploration and artistic expression within their own living spaces.

Unleashing the Power of Porcelain Pavers

As the outdoor living trend continues to gain momentum, homeowners and businesses alike are seeking innovative solutions to elevate their outdoor spaces. Porcelain pavers have emerged as a game-changer in this realm, offering remarkable versatility, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Let’s delve into the world of porcelain pavers, specifically focusing on 2CM porcelain outdoor tiles.

  1. Installation: the Pavers 2CM thickness makes installation a breeze! This dimension makes them ideal for outdoor applications, eliminating the need for complex and time-consuming installation methods. Porcelain pavers can be laid directly on a range of surfaces, including concrete, gravel, and sand. This simplicity not only saves installation time but also reduces labor costs, making them a cost-effective choice for your outdoor projects.
  2. Versatility: Porcelain pavers open up a world of possibilities when it comes to enhancing various outdoor areas:

    a. Outdoor steps: provides a safe and visually appealing solution for outdoor steps. Their slip-resistant surface ensures secure footing, while their robust composition withstands heavy foot traffic and weather fluctuations.

    b. Pool Areas: Transform your poolside oasis! These tiles are resistant to water absorption, fading, and chemicals commonly found in pool environments. With a wide array of colors, patterns, and textures available, you can create a stunning pool deck that complements your landscape design.

    c. Outdoor Balconies and Terraces: Their durability, resistance to frost, and low maintenance requirements make them an ideal choice for balconies and terraces, adding beauty and functionality to these areas.
  3. Advantages of Porcelain Pavers over Regular Porcelain Tiles: While regular porcelain tiles have their place indoors, porcelain pavers bring additional benefits when it comes to outdoor projects.

    a. Strength and Durability: designed to withstand the rigors of outdoor environments. Their robust construction and resistance to cracks, scratches, and fading make them an excellent choice for high-traffic areas.

    b. Slip Resistance: Safety is paramount in outdoor spaces. Porcelain pavers feature slip-resistant surfaces, providing a secure footing even when wet. This is particularly important for pool decks, outdoor stairs, and other areas exposed to moisture.

    c. Weather Resistance: From scorching heat to freezing temperatures, porcelain pavers can handle it all. They are highly resistant to weather fluctuations, ensuring their longevity and maintaining their visual appeal over time.

    d. Low Maintenance: Unlike natural stone pavers, porcelain pavers require minimal upkeep. They are stain-resistant and easy to clean, making them a practical choice for busy outdoor areas.

Porcelain pavers have revolutionized outdoor design, offering unmatched durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal. With their simplified installation process, wide range of applications, and numerous advantages over regular porcelain tiles, they are an excellent investment for enhancing your outdoor spaces. Explore Tile Town’s collection of 2CM porcelain pavers and unlock the true potential of your outdoor projects. Transform your patios, pool areas, outdoor steps, and more into stunning, long-lasting spaces that will be enjoyed for years to come.

DIY Days at Tile Town | 20% Off in Stock Tile & 15% Off Installation Materials Until May 31st

Fraser Valley’s top tile and flooring company, Tile Town, has recently launched a new promotion called DIY Days. This initiative aims to provide affordable and accessible resources to local homeowners for easy and confident renovation projects. Here are the key benefits of DIY Days:

  1. Expert Advice and Guidance: Tile Town’s DIY Days offers homeowners expert guidance and advice for their renovation projects. The program provides access to Tile Town’s knowledgeable and experienced professionals who can assist customers in selecting the appropriate tiles and flooring options for their homes. This can help prevent expensive errors and guarantee the success of the renovation project.
  2. Affordable Pricing: Tile Town’s DIY Days promotion provides affordable pricing as one of its major advantages. The company offers special discounts on tiles and flooring during the promotional period, resulting in a considerable reduction in the overall cost of a renovation project. This can be especially advantageous for homeowners with limited budgets.
  3. Easy Installation: Tile Town’s DIY Days simplifies installation by providing customers with all the essential tools and resources required to complete their renovation projects themselves. This includes detailed instructions on tile and flooring installation, as well as access to a range of installation tools and equipment. By enabling homeowners to complete the project on their own, this program can help them save on installation costs and achieve the satisfaction of successfully renovating their space.
  4. Wide Range of Options: Tile Town provides an extensive selection of tiles and flooring options to choose from, simplifying the process of finding the ideal fit for any living space. Regardless of whether homeowners prefer a classic, timeless appearance or a modern, sleek design, Tile Town has a range of options to suit their preferences. This assures that homeowners can discover the right tiles and flooring options to complement their existing decor and achieve the desired look for their space.

In summary, Tile Town’s DIY Days promotion is an excellent solution for homeowners seeking to renovate
their living spaces with confidence and ease. By utilizing Tile Town’s expert guidance, affordable pricing, easy
installation, and wide range of options, homeowners can transform their living spaces into the homes they
have always envisioned.

Types of Trowels To Use When Installing Tile

When it comes to setting tile, choosing the right trowel for the job is crucial. Trowels come in different shapes and sizes, each designed for specific tasks. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of trowels you can use to set tile and the various jobs they are used for.

  1. V-Notched Trowel: The V-notched trowel is commonly used for setting tile. It has a V-shaped notch on one side and a flat surface on the other. The size of the notch varies for different tile sizes. It’s ideal for spreading adhesive evenly and used for smaller tiles like mosaics or subway tiles.
  2. Square-Notched Trowel: The square-notched trowel is similar to the V-notched trowel, but it has square-shaped notches instead of V-shaped ones. This type of trowel is often used for larger tiles, such as 12×12 or 16×16 tiles. The square-notched trowel provides more adhesive coverage, making it easier to ensure that the tile is firmly attached to the surface.
  3. U-Notched Trowel: The U-notched trowel has a U-shaped notch on one side and a flat surface on the other. This type of trowel is often used for applying thicker adhesives, such as mortar. The U-notch helps to create a more substantial layer of adhesive, which is necessary for heavier tiles or tiles with uneven surfaces.
  4. Round-Notched Trowel: This type of trowel is often used for applying thick, viscous adhesives such as epoxy or urethane. The rounded notches help to spread the adhesive evenly, and the round shape helps prevent air pockets from forming between the tile and the surface.
  5. Notched Margin Trowel: The notched margin trowel is a smaller version of the square-notched trowel. It has a square-shaped notch and is used for spreading adhesive in tight spaces, such as corners or around fixtures. It’s also useful for making small adjustments to the placement of tiles.
  6. Pointed Margin Trowel: The pointed margin trowel has a pointed end instead of a square one. It’s often used for spreading adhesive in tight spaces and for cleaning excess adhesive from corners or grout lines. The pointed end also makes it easier to apply adhesive to small areas, such as individual tiles or pieces of trim.

Whether you are laying large tiles or applying thick adhesives, Tile Town has the right trowel for you to ensure a smooth, professional finish.